Board Excellence Awardees announced at Open Day festivities
Board of Trustees (BoT) Chair Bruce Coulman announced the recipients of the 2016 Board Awards for Excellence, Gold Edition, as part of the commemoration of IITA50 anniverary during the Open Day program held at the end of R4D Week on 25 November. Awardees were given special IITA50 edition plaques and certificates signed by the BoT members.
The purpose of the Awards is to recognize and reward the outstanding achievements of deserving individuals and teams working in IITA. The Awards also aim to provide staff with incentives and motivate them to excel at work. Awards were given for Outstanding scientist, Outstanding support staff, Outstanding publication, Outstanding team, Most promising young scientist, and the special edition Outstanding NRS general staff introduced this year to mark the special anniversary celebration. The search applied to all regular staff across the Institute, not only in Ibadan.
The Outstanding NRS general staff award aims to recognize hard-working staff who worked selflessly beyond the call of duty, has been able to influence or impact on how IITA performs, exceeded performance targets, is highly praised by co-workers, and has demonstrated commitment and dedication to IITA. This award covers all regular NRS on PG 1-6 with “outstanding” rating during the performance appraisal in 2016.
The Outstanding scientist award aims to recognize the outstanding scientific impact of an IITA scientist. The award was based on a single achievement or an accumulation of outputs over a period of time.
The Outstanding support staff award recognizes outstanding service by a member of the support staff in achieving IITA’s goals. The award is based on performance and delivery on workplans, dedication to IITA’s goals, significant contribution to what IITA is now, respect of fellow staff members, customer orientation, consideration of others, and integrity.
The award for Outstanding scientific publication aims to recognize an IITA peer-reviewed publication in the previous calendar year which has the potential for significant impact.
The award for Outstanding team aims to recognize the contributions of a high performing IITA team. The nominations were evaluated based on impact or potential impact on IITA’s audience, and were based on significant achievements over a period of time.
The Most promising young scientist award recognizes a young scientist who has shown great potential in his/her field of expertise; is receptive to all learning opportunities and is already making a significant contribution to IITA’s research agenda.
The 2016 awardees include Outstanding Scientist: James Legg, IITA-Tanzania, Dar es Salaam; Outstanding Team: Communication Unit, IITA-Ibadan; Outstanding Support Staff: Rose Ndango, IITA-Cameroon; Outstanding General Staff: Sunday Ebere, IITA-Ibadan; Most Promising Young Scientist: Laurence Jassogne, IITA-Uganda; Outstanding Publication: Bandyopadhyay, R., Ortega-Beltran, A., Akande, A., Mutegi, C., Atehnkeng, J., Kaptoge, L., Senghor, A.L., Adhikari, B.N. & Cotty, P., Biological control of aflatoxins in Africa: current status and potential challenges in the face of climate change, published in World Mycotoxin Journal, 9(5), 2016. 771–789. (ISSN: 1875-0710).