AGRA Regional Head visits IITA-Abuja, explores areas of mutual collaboration
A 3-member delegation from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), led by its West Africa Regional Head, Fadel Ndiame, visited IITA in Abuja on 23 February. The aim of the visit was to explore the possibility of situating AGRA’s operational office within the premises of IITA-Abuja. Receiving the visitors, Gbassey Tarawali, Head of IITA station in Abuja, expressed the readiness of the Institute to host AGRA in Nigeria.
Tarawali also suggested several office accommodation spaces and options that AGRA could take advantage of.
Victoria Sabula, General Counsel and Board Secretary, AGRA, welcomed the choices presented by IITA and said that AGRA will review the available options.
Tarawali led the visitors around the facilities of the IITA research station at the end of which Ndiame thanked IITA for the warm reception and assured IITA of AGRA’s prompt feedback.