IITA launches automation project
To enhance efficient and effective work processes leading to a higher level of staff productivity in the Institute, IITA Director General Nteranya Sanginga on 6 July launched the high-priority automation project. The launch ceremony took place at IITA headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria.
The automation project has been put in place to systematize business process workflow through enterprise-wide integration, streamline the chart of accounts to support IITA operational requirements, and develop operational and management reports. It also aims to implement general IT controls, build internal capacity to support and maintain the resulting automated environment, upgrade the Oracle EBS technology stack, streamline business processes, and implement new modules/features not currently implemented to increase operational efficiencies.
The automation project will start with the Finance Office, Supply Chain, Payroll, M&E, PDAU, and HR, and later extend to other units.
This project is expected to run for 12 months and is headed by the DDG, Special Duties, Akuffo-Akoto Kwame with a technical team made up of representatives from the involved units.