IITA scientist to receive NSN honorary award for work on nutrition
IITA Senior Food and Nutrition Scientist Bussie Maziya-Dixon has been nominated as a recipient for an honorary award from the Nutrition Society of Nigeria (NSN). News of her nomination was conveyed in a letter signed by the NSN National General Secretary, Charles C. Nkwoala.
Nkwoala said: “The National Executive Council of NSN has identified your various landmark achievements in nutrition in Nigeria and beyond, and considered you qualified to receive this Honorary award particularly in recognition of your invaluable contributions to improving the nutritional wellbeing of Nigerians through your various activities and programs in the country.”
Maziya-Dixon, whose work includes biofortification of cassava with vitamin A, is a Swazi national, but has worked extensively in Nigeria. She is currently the Nigeria Country Leader on the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH).
NSN is a professional, nongovernmental association founded in 1963 at the University of Ibadan. The forum aims to promote and foster collaboration in the study and practice of nutrition among various stakeholders in the nutritional development of Nigeria. As part of their mandate, NSN recognizes individuals who have exhibited exemplary character, commitment and selfless service to improving and advocating for improved nutrition in the country.
The conferment of the award will take place on 19 September during the opening ceremony of the 2018 Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, at the Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.