Youth agripreneurs on a field during land preparation

Youth involvement crucial to successful agriculture intervention programs

A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of the N-power Agro program on youth employment and income generation in some parts of rural Nigeria. Adewale Ogunmodede did this research under the IITA-implemented Enhancing Capacity to Apply Research Evidence (CARE) in Policy for Youth Engagement in Agribusiness and Rural Economic Activities in Africa project,…

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Digital extension tools thrill dignitaries at annual national farmers’ exhibition in Tanzania

The digital extension tools and other technologies developed by CGIAR-IITA received wide attention in an exhibition at the recently concluded National Farmers’ Exhibition in Tanzania. IITA and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector showcased innovative technologies at the annual exhibition, which took place in Simiyu region, northern Tanzania, on 1-8 August. The theme of this…

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DG Nteranya Sanginga making his remarks during the commissioning

African seed system gets a boost with purchase of 18-ton trucks to ease quality seed delivery to farmers

On 7 August, IITA GoSeed, in Ibadan and Umudike Seeds based at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umuahia, jointly commissioned two brand new 18-ton trucks to ease logistical challenges in moving cassava seed. IITA Director General Nteranya Sanginga presided over the ceremony at the Agricultural Transformation building of the CGIAR-IITA headquarters in Ibadan,…

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Early adopter of YIIFSWA-promoted improved yam varieties enjoys “fantastic” yield

Beaming with pride, Chief Joshua Ojedele showed off his 2-hectare yam field cultivated from improved varieties that he got from the Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa (YIIFSWA) project. His farm was lush green with healthy foliage, promising a good harvest. All the mounds had at least one yam plant with…

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The business plan: The compass of the agripreneur

Starting in May 2020, expert trainers from the ENABLE Youth Cameroon (EYC) program had received and analyzed the business plans of aspiring ‘agripreneurs’ participating in the program. They are currently assisting the agripreneurs in finalizing their business plans, which could be financed by a yet-to-be-determined investor. As part of the business analysis phase of the…

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IITA partners trained on effective management and administration of grants

Years of dealing with IITA’s project partners have shown that many of them have faced challenges in managing and understanding the rules that guide grant administration, especially as they relate to sub-agreements signed with the Institute. These gaps have affected project reporting, resulting in delayed fund disbursements to their institutions and from IITA donors. As…

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Manioc 21: Changing lives of farmers in Central Africa

The project Cassava of the Twenty-First Century, code named Manioc 21, has helped improve the lives of farmers in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Manioc 21 was jointly executed by the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), IITA, and the Regional Platform of the Farmers Organizations of Central Africa (PROPAC)….

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Project to develop Aflasafe technology that controls deadly aflatoxin in Uganda launched

Project to develop Aflasafe technology that controls deadly aflatoxin in Uganda launched

Kampala, Uganda – The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the National Agriculture Research Organisation (NARO) will collaborate to finalize the development of Aflasafe—a safe and effective natural product for the integrated management of aflatoxin in the maize, sorghum, and groundnut value chains in Uganda. This is through a four-year project, funded by aBi Development Ltd….

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PDAU trains IITA partners on effective management and administration of grants

Years of dealing with IITA’s project partners show that many of them have faced challenges in managing and understanding the rules that guide grant administration, especially as they relate to sub-agreements signed with the Institute. These gaps have affected project reporting, resulting in delayed fund disbursements to their institutions and from IITA donors. As part…

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Agrihub launch: Partners meet to map out project plan

On 13 and 14 July, the team of partners working on the implementation of the Integrated Agribusiness Hub project organized a virtual workshop to discuss strategies to actualize project goals. The ceremonial inception workshop was organized to officially launch the project and create an avenue for partners and representatives of donor organizations to share views…

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