Staff proud to work for IITA
A staff satisfaction survey undertaken by the IITA Human Resources Service (HRS) and Management in 2015 has revealed that members of staff are proud to work for the Institute.
They ranked “pride in working for IITA” highest among other parameters. The survey also highlighted other key areas where the Institute is excelling as well as areas needing improvement.
About 618 regular staff members from the Central, East, Southern, and West Africa hubs as well as the directorates participated in the exercise. The survey results were analyzed, and the report considered by the HRS Committee and the Board of Trustees.
In a message to members of staff on 21 January, Kwame Akuffo-Akoto, DDG Corporate Services said:
“It is gratifying to note that on a five-point scale of 1-5 (with 5 representing “Strongly Agree” and 1 “Strongly Disagree”),” Pride in working for IITA” was assessed at 4.8. Also the same rating was recorded regarding “Staff being satisfied that they are making meaningful contributions to the work of the Institute”.
He added that overall, staff affirmed that the Institute is strong (with a rating of 4.1 and above) in the following areas:
- setting clear goals and objectives
- management of the Institute
- consultation; communication
- positive image to staff’s family and friends
- encouraging teamwork
- enhancing staff’s skills and improving performance health and safety
- promoting respectful relations between men and women in the workplace
- maintaining an enabling and conducive work environment
- creating a sense of belongingness among staff.
Areas of concern highlighted by the survey include:
- work-life balance fair compensation
- regular review of staff development needs
- provision of career advancement and learning opportunities
- increasing staff confidence to report harassment and bullying.
Akuffo-Akoto assured members of staff that Management will continue to address these concerns and take appropriate action to address all aspects that are classified in the report as “Medium Range” (where average rating is equal to 4) and all those areas classified as “Concerns” (where average rating is less than 4).
He also enjoined all staff to continue to seek the good of IITA and give the Institute their very best.