Event announcement: 3rd National Annual Conference of the Society for Underutilized Legumes to be held in Ibadan, Nigeria
The Society for Underutilized Legumes (SUL) will hold its 3rd National Annual Conference, 9-11 July 2019 at the Institute of Agricultural Research & Training (IAR&T) in Ibadan, Nigeria. The conference will feature field trips, plenary sessions, the Annual General Meeting, the official launch of the SUL website (www.sulegumes.org/) and the Society journal: Journal of Underutilized Legumes (JUL), and the award of an honorary fellowship to Head of IITA Genetic Resources Center (GRC), Prof Michael Abberton, for his outstanding contributions and research support for the promotion of underutilized legumes.
The SUL was set up for academic research and promotion of improved use of underutilized legumes in tropical Africa. The Society encourages the growth and development of opportunities to researchers, entrepreneurs, and organizations (universities, research institutes, and donor agencies) for the dissemination of research outputs aimed at improving the economics, utilization, and conservation of underutilized legumes on the African continent and worldwide.
A 2016 symposium on African yam bean, organized by the GRC in Ibadan, Nigeria, was the foundation for the formation of SUL. The inaugural conference was held in 2017 at Ebonyi State University in Abakaliki, Nigeria, while Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria hosted the second edition in 2018.
Bob Redden 4th July 2019 - 1:09 am
A very important topic, much more to learn about opportunities for legume tubers, leaves, pods and seed as food, and the role of legumes in sustainable agriculture. Climate change could result in staple cereals being lower in protein, the role of legumes in nutrition may increase. hence need to explore possibilities for more diverse agricultural niches from home gardens to mixed and broadacre cropping.
Sughnen Angela Doom 9th July 2019 - 8:52 am
I’ll be elated to be at this event, I am a student of Agriculture and I won’t miss this opportunity to learn more.